
Weight Loss 101: A No-Diet Approach

It does not matter if you want to shed two pounds or twenty pounds or even more than that, the unchanged straightforward laws of physics establish the fact whether you can or you cannot lose weight and if you do lose weight how quick you will lose those extra pounds. Recollecting these simple and uncomplicated guiding principles and working to put them into practice will definitely help you shed the fat which you have been hating everyday without any help of numerous diet plans books and other inventions. It is simple enough if you can
understand that our weight depends on how much food we consume everyday and how much do we actually burn into energy. 
 Energy is calculated in calories. When your weight remains steady, you are most likely consuming equivalent quantity of calories that you spend as energy every day. If you're gradually increasing some weight sooner or later, it is probable that the food you eat everyday has more number of calories than the amount of calories you discard through your daily activities.
Every person is in command of the quantity of food he or she munches through every day, so we can control the intake of calories to some extent. To an extent, we can also be in charge of our spending of energy, or the amount of calories we discard each day. The amount of calories we discard each day is reliant upon:

  1. The basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is equivalent to the amount of calories we discard per hour, merely by being able to breathe normally and preserving body functions,
  2. Plus our intensity of physical activities. For example exercise and stuff like that.
For a number of people, owing to hereditary (inherited) issues or other circumstances, this quiescent metabolic rate could be somewhat higher or lower than the average rate. Our weight too performs a role in being influential to the amount of calories we burn when we are at rest � additional calories are a requisite to sustain your body in its current condition. A person weighing 150 pounds needs a lesser amount of food or calories to maintain the same mass in his body than an individual who weighs 300 pounds. 
The way of life, occupation habits and routines to a degree decide the amount of calories we need every day. A person whose work necessitate intense physical labor will of course burn a lot more calories in a single day than a person whose job requires him to sit in a single place and do work the entire day without much physical movement. People having jobs requiring intense physical work, when additionally do even more work just for the sake of exercising burn a lot more fats.

On an average a healthy woman between the ages 31-50 who has a sedentary way of life requires about 1800 calories each day just to maintain herself with an average figure whereas a man with the same specifications needs about 2200 calories.