In Daniel Reid�s great book The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity, there�s a section on foods that �kill� fat.
Reid lists the foods (and juices) to help obesity, which include Carrot juice (possibly the single most cleansing, nourishing of all the veggie juices); a combo of Carrot, beet and cucumber juice, which corrects acidosis
by alkalinizing the system; Spinach, which cleanses the lower bowel;
and Cabbage juice, which helps with digestion and elimination.
He also mentions
"Foods to Avoid: all refined starch and sugar, especially white bread
and sweet pastries, overcooked meats; fatty meats; chocolate;
pasteurised milk; cooked eggs; alcohol."
just goes to show. I don�t think fat on meat is a bad thing: in fact I
think it can sometimes be good for you. I don�t mind eggs either, since
they�re protein, but I do agree that frying food is not as healthy as
broiling and steaming.
generally I think Reid�s suggestions are fantastic, and I recommend
getting the book (and no, I don�t get commissions from anyone for
punting their stuff ;)
Reid also has a large section on Food Combining, which is � I believe � essential for weight loss and health in general.
what is Food Combining it? I can't go into exhaustive detail now, but
in essence it�s the claim (and I have demonstrated the truth of it in my
own life) that different food types should not be combined.
mix protein and starch, for example. If you follow this rule, you will
find that, amongst others, your digestion will improve remarkably.
a more detailed explanation, there�s a lot of info out there, but one
book I found great was Harvey and Marilyn Diamond�s book Fit For Life.
Check it out (and other books too) - and do your digestive system and figure a favor.
Not only will you have less gas and �bloat�, but I found you lose weight.
you want to prove food combining works, try this experiment: eat a pure
protein meal, or a pure starch meal. Do NOT mix the protein and starch.
See how easily the meal is digested.
mix protein and starch in a meal, and note how long it takes to go
through, and whether you have gas. I think you�ll conclude that it�s
best not to mix!
Other food
combining tips: eat fruit alone; eat different types of fruits
separately; eat melon as a fruit separately (i.e. not mixed with any
other kind of fruit); and drink (unpasteurised) milk by itself, alone.
Follow these tips and I believe you will be on your way to a slimmer, healthier you :-
Will Mason is author of Flab Falls off, an eBook on health, diet and weightloss, and creator of The article is a combination of excerpts from the book.